- 阿香从美国动完眼疾手术归来,暂时失去视力三天。丈夫jack是心脏科医生,要去澳门开一个重要研讨会,遂留妻子与仆人阿梅独自在家。阿梅出去买哮喘药时,神秘男子朱森在后院内借机与阿香搭讪,说自己是jack的小学同学,天真的阿香于是请他入屋坐。朱森坐了一会就告辞。天开始下雨,阿香小睡片刻就有人敲门,她以为是阿梅,却不料朱森又折了回来,…
- A SLICE OF DEATH / ABBOT OF SHAOLIN (1979) is another Shaw Bros. kung fu film with a Shaolin Temple theme. David Chiang stars as the monk Chi San, who survives the burning of Shaolin Temple and travels south to Kwangtung to raise money to re-build the temple as forces loyal to the Ching Emperor follow in close pursuit.…